Saturday 7 September 2013

Please help!

Please, please, please help! I'll update a list of current giveaways if I get 100+ blogviews! Click on the link in my previous post and please help spread awareness. Post the link as your facebook, skype, hotmail, tango, viber or any other social networking site statuses! You could help save this little boy's life and shed ambiguity about autism in developing places in the World. You will also help Sun Chao and his family be happy.
Please? The world is in your hands.

Friday 9 August 2013


Imagine you are tied to a chair with dirty rags by your parents. Your parents have no choice. The rickety chair sits on the dirt floor of your small home in China. Your parents stay by your side and try to calm you down. The house is in need of repair. It is tiny and your parents are tired, overworked and stressed. You are the only child yet your family is so poor they cannot afford to live a life without struggles, let alone send you to a special school to receive help for your compulsive self harming. 

You have autism.


This is the story of Sun Chao, a young boy in China who fights autism everyday.

Give hope.